Plano hardwood floor pets

Hardwood flooring is often the first choice for new floors because of its timeless look and ability to match any décor. Plano area dog owners commonly ask us if hardwood is compatible with their canine friends. There are a number of precautions you can take to ensure your floors keep their luxurious sheen without relegating Rover to the doghouse. Sit and stay; here are 10 tips for maintaining hardwood with dogs.

1. Wipe Fido’s paws after every walk.

Dogs are dirt magnets. They like to run around and explore every nook and cranny of your neighborhood. Be sure to clean their paws with a pet-safe wipe before they come inside to minimize the dirt and debris that makes it onto your hardwood floors.

2. Towel your dog off after a walk in the rain.

Thick dog fur can trap a lot of moisture that will cause hardwood to warp. Gently dry your dog’s fur with a big, fluffy towel.

3. Strategically place doormats.

Every entryway should have one, especially the doors your dog most commonly uses. Make sure it has a solid backing to prevent it from sliding around while you’re toweling off your wet pup.

4. Regular mani-pedis are a must.

According to the ASPCA, your dog’s nails should be trimmed just as they begin to reach the ground. So, if you hear clicking or scratching when your hound is moving around, he’s overdue for a trim.

5. Use nail wax.

Little wax tips can be placed on your dog’s nails, keeping them from scratching your floor.

6. Consider using dog foot booties.

These booties attach to your dogs feet with elastic, serving as a sort of shoe. Some dogs will be more amenable to this than others.

7. Buy your dog a bed.

When your dog lays in his favorite spot, perhaps the corner of your living room or underneath the kitchen table, over time you will start to notice wear to your floor’s finish. An easy solution is to buy him a dog bed to nap on. Your floors—and your dog—will thank you for it.

8. When toilet training, use an anti-odor spray.

This will help disrupt Rex’s natural instinct to remark his territory in the same spot. As always, make sure that the chemical composition won’t damage your floor.

9. Avoid bones and other heavy toys in rooms with hardwood.

Puppies especially like to pick them up and drop them repeatedly, leaving dings in your beautiful oak and maple hardwood.

10. Keep end and coffee tables clear.

That way, your dog won’t unintentionally knock over something sharp or heavy while playing.

Floor Coverings International® of has hundreds of flooring options that will make you and your canine companion very happy. Stop by today to learn more!

Photo © Africa Studio